
(631) 368-1235 | 522 Larkfield Road East Northport, NY 11731

Obituaries Brueggemannfh

George F. Tayler

Passed 10/19/2021



24 Oct


02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Brueggemann Funeral Home 522 Larkfield Road East Northport, NY 11731 Get Directions »
24 Oct


07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Brueggemann Funeral Home 522 Larkfield Road East Northport, NY 11731 Get Directions »
25 Oct


11:00 AM

Private 522 Larkfield Road East Northport, NY 11731 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • 11/03/2022

    I can't begin to say how much I miss you especially since I sold the to big house I miss every time something isn't write I call for you please watch over me up there I love you so.

  • 11/03/2022

  • 10/27/2021

    I truly will miss you after 56 years and all the good times your friends are missing you.

  • 10/24/2021

    Went fishing with George and cousin Bruce back some time ago and I was the only one that caught a bluefish which annoyed both of them. I kept telling George if he saw a coast guard boat to flag them over so they could see my catch and they would then notify Newsday and I would be famous all over Long Island.

  • 10/24/2021

    From 1954, Sol & Jeans to 2021 East Northport centuries of friendship. See u on the 19th hole. Love from Flushing. Ed Furlong

  • 10/23/2021

    George was "the glue" that bound his friends together. Sal and I remember fondly our many social events that we were privileged to be part of. I'd say George lived life to the fullest, he loved his motorcycle trips as much as he loved playing a round of golf. His love of family and friends brings comfort to those of us who sorely miss him. Karen and Sal

  • 10/22/2021

    George saw obstacles in life as what we see when we take our eyes off the goal, if he could imagine it he could achieve it. We love you & miss you. Sal,Ed F,Nick,Ed H,Phil, Larry,Buddy Harvey & The guys from Flushing

  • 10/21/2021

    I have fond memories of "Uncle George" going to breakfast was one of my favorite times. He will be missed . May he rest in peace. Always Dalida

  • 10/21/2021

    Rest In Peace special friend, we have much to remember and be thankful for over the years all terrific times. You are missed. God bless you, Nick Pinto

  • 10/20/2021

    George as many of us came from "Flushing" as he said many time NO ONE COULD HAVE HAD A BETTER CHILDHOOD. He was right as we remember the days of PS 63 & 173. We Love you & will miss you my friend. Harvey & Noriko, & all the Gang from Flushing.

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