Johnny J Boyce
Passed 02/20/2022
Obituary For Johnny J Boyce
John was born in Lubbock, Texas on June 4, 1943 to James and Toni Boyce. He grew up in Midland, Texas and has lived in Oregon, California, Massachusetts, Kentucky and New York. He served in the United States Air Force as an air traffic controller from 1963 to 1967. After receiving a master’s degree in Public Administration, John went on to work for the FAA. He rose through the levels of supervision and management at Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, Oakland and Boston airports; ending his career as the Assistant Division Manager, Air Traffic, New England. When he wasn’t working, he was coaching his sons’ sports teams and worked on projects around their house in Concord, Mass. After retiring in 1997, John and his wife owned and managed a horse farm for over twenty years in Kentucky. John was a loving and devoted husband and father. He is survived by his wife, Mildred (79), sons Michael (53), Philip (47) and Daniel (44) and grandkids Adela (21). Alaesun (17). Grant (9). Penelope (7) and Bryce (2). Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society in his name.
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